
Quantum-Secured Imaging paper attracts global media coverage

December 14, 2012

We recently published an article in Applied Physics Letters that has received coverage in the media, including The Daily Mail, MIT Technology Review, and New Scientist magazine.

In our paper, we present a new imaging technique that uses quantum mechanics to provide security against certain types of jamming attacks on LIDAR systems.

MIT Technology Review: "Quantum Imaging Technique Heralds Unjammable Aircraft Detection"

New Scientist: "Warning, speedsters: you can't fool quantum radar" "Researchers use quantum properties to create jammer proof radar"

The Daily Mail: "The 'unjammable' quantum radar that could make all stealth planes useless" "Quantum imaging could be the end of radar jamming"

Engagdet: "Scientists demonstrate unjammable radar based on quantum imaging"

Gizmodo: "Quantum Physics Can Make an Unjammable Radar"