Current Members
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Hui Wu
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
CSB 416, ECE Department
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627
Tel: (585)275-2112
Fax: (585)275-2073
Sasanka Munasinghe
506 CSB,
Sasanka Munasinghe received his B.Sc. degree in engineering physics from the University of Colombo Sri Lanka in 2020 and his M.S degree in Mechanical engineering from the University of Rochester in 2023. His current research interests are high-speed electronics and photonics.
Melika Filvantorkaman
509 CSB,
Melika Filvantorkaman recieved her M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Shahid Beheshti University in 2022. Her current research interests are integrated photonics and machine learning.
Yongchao Liu
509 CSB,
Yongchao Liu received his B.S. degree in Physics Science and Technology from Wuhan University in 2017, and his M.S. degree in the Department of Microelectronics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2020. His current research is in electro-photonic integrated circuits and machine learning.
Wuxiucheng (Alan) Wang
506 CSB,
Wuxiucheng Wang received his B.S. in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, in 2017. He completed his M.S. in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Rochester and is pursuing his Ph.D. degree here. His current research interests are in silicon photonics and lidars.
Lejie Lu
506 CSB,
Lejie Lu received his B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2013, and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Rochester in 2016. His current research interests are in high-speed electrical/optical interconnects.