Affiliate Centers and Institutions

AABAab Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI) researchers are dedicated to understanding how the heart and blood vessels become susceptible to disease. Using state-of-the-art technologies, new treatments and diagnostic tests are being developed and analyzed for potential use in clinical cardiovascular medicine.

CMTIThe Center for Medical Technology & Innovation is part of an evolving culture of entrepreneurism at the University of Rochester whose mission is to create innovative device solutions to focused clinical problems through a collaboration of medical, business, and engineering disciplines.

Musculoskeletal ResearchURMC has a distinguished history of musculoskeletal research led by experienced physicians and biomedical scientists. The creation of the Center for Musculoskeletal Research in 2000 formalized a 25-year history of multidisciplinary, comprehensive research for bettering musculoskeletal health for the patients of today and tomorrow.

The Center for Navigation and Communication Sciences is supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) and is dedicated to research on the sensory, motor, and integrative mechanisms underlying these essential functions.

CVSThe Center for Translational Neuromedicine focuses on the development of new approaches for treating neurological diseases, using cell and gene therapy.

 The Center for Visual Science was founded in 1963 by Robert M. Boynton to bring together scientists from a variety of disciplines with the common goal of pursuing excellence in vision research. The CVS laboratories represent a diverse range of studies that span the development of the visual system to the interaction between visual perception and memory.

hydra-vulgaris-xl.pngHigh Content Imaging Core (HCIC) is a microscopy core housed in Goergen Hall at the University of Rochester. We provide researchers at the University of Rochester access to high-speed microscopy of various modalities. HCIC is here to assist with all aspects of microscopy in research: experimental design and optimization, sample prep, imaging, post-processing, image analysis, and more.


WilmotThe Wilmot Cancer Center offers multidisciplinary cancer care, meaning physicians and staff from a wide range of disciplines – including surgical, medical and radiation oncology – are working together to form the best possible treatment plan for each patient based on the most recent scientific discoveries and treatments.

 The Rochester Center for Biomedical Ultrasound was created to unite professionals in engineering, medical, and applied science communities at the University of Rochester, Rochester General Hospital, and the Rochester Institute of Technology. The RCBU provides a unique collaborative environment where researchers can join together to investigate the use of very high frequency sound waves in medical diagnoses and therapy.

 Brain ImagingThe Rochester Center for Brain Imaging is a research facility offering a state-of-the-art 3T magnet for the purpose of conducting investigations using magnetic resonance imaging to researchers from the University of Rochester, neighboring institutions, and the science and technology industries.

 The University of Rochester Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Institute was founded in 2008 in recognition of the tremendous promise that the discipline of stem cell biology offers for our understanding of development, disease and discovery of new treatments for a wide range of afflictions.