Ryan Trombetta, a second year BME doctoral student in Dr. Hani Awad’s lab is bound for Berlin!

May 22, 2015

Ryan Trombetta, a second year BME doctoral student in Dr. Hani Awad’s lab, took first place in the University’s first Falling Walls Competition. In the Falling Walls Competition, competitors have three minutes and three slides to present their ideas about a new breakthrough idea or technology that will have broad societal impact. Ryan 's winning pitch described how 3D-printed bone grafts containing antibiotics and biofilm dispersal agents could simplify and improve the treatment of osteomyelitis, a bacterial bone infection that is a common complication of surgeries to repair bone fractures or replace joints. Having won our local competition, Ryan will represent the University at the international competition to be held in Berlin November 8th and 9th, the anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall.

For more details click here.