Summer Interns
Diana Karosas
Program: Biomedical Engineering
Graduating Class: 2024
Company or Institution: Medtronic Summer Engineering Intern
Summer 2023 Internship
- Applied through Handshake in early August
- Received offer in mid to late November
- Worked in Cardiac Rhythm Management R&T near Minneapolis, MN
- Completed data analysis & simple machine learning related to the CRT-D
- Presented my results to all of Cardiac Rhythm Management (~ 150-200 people)
- Went to intern events: AMA with Geoff Martha, Top Golf, Valleyfair amusement park
- Toured various sites and learned about the different operating units
- Improved my data processing skills, presentation skills, and scientific writing
- Learned the importance of networking and spoke to 1-2 new people a week
- People generally want to help you achieve your goals