Nonparaxial fields: spin-orbit interaction, basis expansions, and interaction with particles

This work consists of analytic models for describing monochromatic fields focused beyond the paraxial regime, including aspects such as fundamental relations related to focal properties, the effects of polarization, closed-form complete orthonormal basis expansions (nonparaxial generalizations of Laguerre-Gaussian beams), and generalizations of Mie theory describing the interaction of these fields with spherical scatterers.

Effects of nonparaxiality on polarization

Book chapter

Journal articles

Conference proceedings

Interaction of strongly focused beams and spherical particles

Journal articles

Conference proceedings

Basis expansions for nonparaxial fields

Book chapter

Journal articles

R. Gutiérrez-Cuevas and M.A. Alonso, ”Complete confined bases for beam propagation in Cartesian coordinates” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34, 1697-1702 (2017).
R. Gutiérrez-Cuevas and M.A. Alonso, ”Scalar and electromagnetic nonparaxial bases composed as superpositions of simple vortex fields with complex foci,” Opt. Express 25, 14856-14870 (2017).
R. Gutiérrez-Cuevas and M.A. Alonso, ”Polynomials of Gaussians and vortex-Gaussian beams as complete, transversely confined bases,” Opt. Lett. 42, 2205-2208 (2017).
K. Lombardo and M.A. Alonso, “Two-dimensional directional basis for nonparaxial focused fields and its application to scattering,” Am. J. Phys. 80, 82-93 (2012).
N.J. Moore and M.A. Alonso, “Closed-form bases for the description of monochromatic, strongly focused, electromagnetic fields,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 26, 2211-2218 (2009).
N.J. Moore and M.A. Alonso, “Bases for the description of monochromatic, strongly focused, scalar fields,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 26, 1754-1761 (2009).
M.A. Alonso, R. Borghi, and M. Santarsiero, “New basis for rotationally-symmetric nonparaxial fields in terms of spherical waves with complex foci” Opt. Exp. 14, 6894-6905 (2006).

Series expansions for paraxial and nonparaxial fields

Journal articles

Conference proceedings

Uncertainty relations for focused beams

Journal articles

Other topics

Journal articles