Colloquia & Guest Speakers

Scattering Engineering at the Extreme and Exotic Wave Interactions with Metamaterials and Metasurfaces

Francesco Monticone The University of Texas at Austin

Wednesday, March 2, 2016
2 p.m.

Goergen Hall, Room 101


I will show to what extent we can engineer the scattering and radiation of individual bodies and collections of them using metamaterials and plasmonic nanomaterials, enabling extreme scattering effects, such as invisibility, resonant superscattering and light trapping. New functionalities and emergent phenomena can then be achieved when multiple subwavelength meta-atoms are assembled in clusters. In particular, I will present my work on the possibility to modularize the optical response by taking inspiration from circuit and antenna theory, realizing optical lumped nanocircuits and nanoantennas, as well as meta-molecules that support giant optical magnetism. Furthermore, by suitably arranging meta-atoms in large thin arrays, or metasurfaces, we can achieve a new degree of control of wave propagation and scattering/radiation over a surface, which may pave the way toward a new paradigm of flatland optics. I will discuss my recent work on metasurfaces and patterned surfaces for a variety of applications, from wavefront manipulation and broadband cloaking, to analog optical computing and surface-impedance engineering for nano-optics, also hinting at potential future developments of this exciting field.  Throughout the talk, particular attention will also be devoted to fundamental limitations of wave interaction with passive scattering systems, of large importance to assess the practical applicability of metamaterial devices in different scenarios. To complete my talk, I will present my vision for future directions that may allow drastically going beyond the current limitations of metamaterials and metasurfaces for scattering engineering, for example by using all-dielectric, nonlinear, multi-physics or active systems.


Francesco Monticone received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. (summa cum laude) degrees from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 2009 and 2011, respectively. After developing part of his graduate research work in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, in 2011 he joined the Metamaterials and Plasmonics Research Laboratory of Dr. Andrea Alú at The University of Texas at Austin, where he is currently a graduate research assistant and PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Location: Goergen 101

Refreshments will be served