Acoustics Lab
The Acoustics Lab in Computer Studies Building (CSB) 512 is used for research in acoustics and vibration. Professor Bocko and Professor Heilemann are the primary faculty contacts for the space, though many other audio and music engineering (AME) faculty use the resources in the lab for their own research or teaching activities. The lab supports multiple PhD students, as well as research projects by masters and undergraduate students throughout the academic year. For more information on the projects currently happening in the CSB 512 research lab, please see Professor Heilemann’s website.
Lab Equipment
CSB 512 is a state-of-the-art acoustics research space. Unique among its equipment is a Polytec PSV500 scanning laser vibrometer that is used to make high-precision measurements of surface vibrations. The lab is also equipped with a Whisper Room and Clio12 system for making acoustic measurements of loudspeakers and microphones. There is also a 3D printer used when making custom prototypes, and an Adamant Custom I9 computer for machine learning.
Who has access?
To access the lab you must be working directly under an AME faculty member. Please contact Dr. Michael Heilemann for more information
Rules and Regulations
No food or drinks of any kind
Since lab space is limited, students must be actively working on a project when in 512.
Masters or undergraduate students must be supervised by a faculty member or PhD student at all times when in the lab.