AME Guest Lecturer Series
Super Bowl Ads: Super Good or Super Dud?
Doug Hall (Propeller Music / NYC)
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
5 p.m.6 p.m.
Computer Studies Building, Room 616
A presentation and discussion on the effectiveness of AUDIO, MUSIC and TECHNOLOGY,
for the pinnacle of advertising venues… the Super Bowl ad!
Great music and sound is THE most powerful and cost-effective way to propel a message into the awareness of your audience. From setting the right tone to dramatically increasing memorability, music is a key ingredient in successful storytelling. This talk will feature a presentation and open discussion about the techniques used and effectiveness of advertising for Super Bowl LIV and others. Doug will share his insights as to the efficacy of various ads, from a Music / Sound Design / Editing perspective.
Bio: Doug is one of the industry's most accomplished and versatile composers. Formerly senior composer at Elias/NY as well as CD/composer-in-chief at Clio-winning Mess Hall Music and Sound Design, Doug has composed music for well over 1000 TV spots, including AFLAC, AT&T, Bank of America, BMW, Bose, Burger King, Calvin Klein, Chase, Citibank, Coca-Cola, Compaq, Dell, Dodge, FedEx, Ford, JC Penney, Jeep, Land Rover, Mass Mutual, MasterCard, Mercedes, Nabisco, The New York Times, Nike, Partnership For a Drug-Free America, Sprint, UPS, Turbo Tax, Visa, and Washington Mutual. His music has also appeared in feature films, prime-time TV, and major-label recordings.