Olivia Canavan ’20 of audio and music engineering, has been awarded the Mary Lea Simpson Memorial Scholarship by the Audio Engineering Society (AES)

August 19, 2019

Olivia Canavan 20 of audio and music engineering, has been awarded the Mary Lea Simpson Memorial Scholarship by the Audio Engineering Society (AES). The award is given once a year to a student in an audio engineering or recording arts program and provides tuition support for the final year of the recipient’s study. Olivia, who is president of the AES student chapter here and a Patrick P. Lee Foundation Scholar, is a “huge advocate” for women in the audio industry. She has invited female guest lecturers and advocated for the hiring of female audio and music engineering faculty. Olivia has been a peer advisor for transfer students and tutors Rochester City School District elementary students as part of the LEAP project. Last summer she did research on ambisonic audio as a Xerox Engineering Research Fellow. Well done, Olivia. It appears you are preparing yourself well to achieve your career goal of “bettering the world of music technology by developing equipment that is lighter and more accessible to diverse groups of people.”

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