Jacob Jorné
Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering
PhD, University of California, 1972
- Office Location
- 4301 Wegmans Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-8497
Selected Honors & Awards
Carl Wagner Memorial Award. The Electrochemical Society (1993)
Battery Research Award. The Electrochemical Society (1989)
Plenary Speaker, 50th Anniversary of Chemical Engineering at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (1988)
Chemical Engineer of the Year, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Detroit Section (1979)
ChE 244: Heat and Mass Transfer
ChE 250: Separations Processes
ChE 460: Solar Cells
ChE 482: Microelectronic Processing
Recent Publications
Chen, D.; Kongkanand, A.; Jorne, J., "Proton Conduction and Oxygen Diffusion in Ultra-Thin Nafion Films in PEM Fuel Cell: How Thin?" Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166, 2, F24-F33.
Ma, T.Y.; Xu, G.L.; Li, Y.; Song, B.A.; Zeng, X.Q.; Su, C.C.; Mattis, W.L.; Guo, F.M.; Ren, Y.; Kou, R.H.
Ma, T.Y.; Xu, G.L.; Li, Y.; Wang, L.; He, X.M.; Zheng, J.M.; Liu, J.; Engelhard, M.H.; Zapol, P.; Curtiss, L.A.; Jorne, J.; Amine, K.; Chen, Z.H., " Revisiting the Corrosion of the Aluminum Current Collector in Lithium-Ion Batteries," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8, 5-1072-1077.
Ma. T.Y.; Xu, G.L.; Zeng, X.Q.; Li, Y.; Ren, Y.; Sun, C.LJ.; Heald, S.M.; Jorne, J.; Amine, K.; Chen, Z.H.' "Solid State Synthesis of Layered Sodium Manganese Oxide for Sodium-Ion Battery by in-situ High Energy X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy," Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 341, 114-121.
Zhou, D.H.; Peer, M.; Yang, Z.Z.; Pol, V.G.; Key, F.D.; Jorne, J.; Foley, H.C.; Johnson, C.S., "Long Cycle Life Microporous Spherical Carbon Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries Derived from Furfuryl Alcohol." Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 17-6271-6275.
Abreu-Sepulveda, M.; Trinh, P.; Malkhandi, S.; Narayanan, S.R.; Jorne, J.; Quesnel, D.J.; Postonr, J.A.; Manivannan, A., "Investigation of Oxygen Evolution Reaction at LaRuO3, La3.5Ru4O13, and La2RuO5," Electrochemical Acta, 2015, 180, 401-408.
Research Overview
Professor Jorne’s research deals with electrochemical energy conversion and storage, hydrogen fuel cells, lithium-air batteries and flow batteries. The rich interaction between chemical reactions and diffusion is his favorite subject. Green energy and energy conservation are the themes of his current research and interests. His Ph.D. thesis entitled “The Electrochemical Behavior of the Alkali Metals in Propylene Carbonate” led to the development of lithium and lithium ion batteries. He taught at Wayne State University from 1972 to 1982, and joined the University of Rochester in 1982. Currently his group collaborates with General Motors on the development of hydrogen PEM fuel cell for electric vehicles. His group also works on the research and development of zinc-redox flow battery for the storage of electrical energy and nano-charge transfer in the lithium-ion battery. He has taught courses in transport phenomena, separation processes, thermodynamics, semiconductors and microelectronics, and electrochemical engineering of batteries and fuel cells. He considers the teaching and mentoring of over thousand students to become productive chemical engineers as his most satisfying professional achievement. Jacob is married to Dr. Judith Love, and they have three sons: Ariel, Eli (and Becca) and Alex. His hobbies include painting, carpentry, politics and reading.
Research Interests
- Electrochemistry
- Energy Conversion & Storage
- Fuel Cells
- Flow Batteries
- Lithium Batteries
- Green Energy
- Microelectronic Processing
- Copper Electrodeposition
- Reaction-Diffusion Interactions
- Scaling Theory