Colloquia & Guest Speakers

Quantum imaging with undetected photons

Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna

Monday, September 8, 2014
3 p.m.–4:30 p.m.

Joined with Physics - Goergen 101


Usually when imaging an object, one has to detect radiation which has been scattered or transmitted by the object. In a recent experiment, we demonstrated that it is possible to obtain an image of an object without ever detecting the photons that passed through it [1]. The procedure is based on the concept of induced coherence which was introduced by Zou, Wang and Mandel [2]. The crucial point is the mere availability or non-availability of path information in the photon passing through the object, which decides whether the image appears in the other one. We also show hat using this method one can obtain images at a wavelength for which the object is invisible.

[1] G. B. Lemos, V. Borish, G. D. Cole, S. Ramelow, R.Lapkiewicz & A. Zeilinger. Quantum Imaging with Undetected Photons, arXiv:1401.4318 [quant-ph], Nature: in press (2014).

[2] X. Y. Zou, L. J. Wang & L. Mandel. Induced coherence and indistinguishability in optical interference. Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 318 (1991).
