News & Events

Benoit Lab Hosts 4th Graders For a Hands-On Science Experience

November 8, 2011

What happens when Mrs. Hoffend's fourth grade class visits BME? Well, baking soda-vinegar volcanoes erupt, materials change color, texture, and shape, and Freaky Friday takes on a whole new meaning! The Benoit Lab set up a series of four stations around Goergen Hall and provided the fourth graders with a hands-on science learning experience. Mrs. Hoffend wanted to do a project on scientists in our local area, and learn more about the research that they are involved with. Her students spent several weeks researching, reading, and writing about the Benoit Lab in preparation for the visit.

Graduate student, Amy Van Hove worked with Mrs. Hoffend to create a memorable experience for both the fourth graders and the lab personnel. I remember science demos were one of my favorite activities in elementary school. So when Mrs. Hoffend contacted us, I was very excited about her project. Everyone involved did a great job preparing and running the demos, and we all had a great time working with the kids, said Van Hove, who organized the event.

My students were extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and interact with a variety of scientists on this special day in the biomedical engineering lab at the University of Rochester. The children returned to school talking about all the wonderful things they had seen and done and many were saying they now want to be scientists! I cannot thank Dr. Benoit enough for the use of her labs, Amy for her take charge attitude to make this experience happen for the children, and for all the wonderful members of the labs that helped to make this day possible and rewarding for these young students, said Mrs. Hoffend about the children's experience.