2012 News Archives

October 10, 2012

University Launches Center for Developing Medical Devices and Other Medical Innovations

The University of Rochester is combining its medical, engineering, and entrepreneurial expertise to create the Center for Medical Technology Innovation (CMTI). A collaboration of the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the School of Medicine and Dentistry, CMTI will also make use of the University's Center for Entrepreneurship as it coordinates activities to develop technological solutions to clinical problems.

September 28, 2012

Professor Axel Wismueller receives NIH R01 Award

Axel Wismueller, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering has received an RO1 award from the National Institutes of Health for his project,Exploring large scale functional connectivity in the human brain: from bench to bedside. Supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and its AIDS research program, this three-year project will focus on developing a novel computational framework to explore directed information transfer in the human brain, which will permit connectivity analysis in large time-series ensembles obtained from functional MRI neuro-imaging studies.

September 24, 2012

Dr. Jim McGrath Receives $900,000 in NSF Grants

Biomedical Engineering associate professor, Jim McGrath, Ph.D. has just received some important grants to develop new applications for the super-thin, nanoporous silicon membranes that have been developed at the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences. A nearly $600,000 National Science Foundation grant will partner McGrath's labSiMPore (the University-based startup that manufactures the membranes), RIT, and Integrated Nanotechnologies (INT), another local startup. They'll be using the membranes as filters in a portable INT device that can analyze DNA extracted from a drop of blood. This can be used to diagnose disease or detect pathogens, in the field, in a matter of minutes. They'll then miniaturize all of this onto a lab-on-a-chip (LOC).

September 15, 2012

Eric Comeau and Chris Farrar Receive Howard Hughes Fellowships

BME graduate students, Eric Comeau and Chris Farrar, have been awarded Howard Hughes Medical Institute Med-into-Grad Fellowships. Chris is a Ph.D. student working in the laboratory of Professor Denise Hocking. Eric is a Ph.D. student co-supervised by Professor Diane Dalecki and Professor Denise Hocking. This prestigious fellowship is sponsored by the Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI) and augments traditional Ph.D. training with clinical rotations, a clinical co-mentor, journal club, seminar series, and translational cardiovascular coursework.

September 14, 2012

University of Rochester Scientist Awarded $630,000 Prize for 'Major Breakthrough' in Vision Science

David WilliamsDavid Williams, Ph.D. a faculty member of the University of Rochester's Institute of Optics, director of its Center for Visual Science, and dean for research in Arts, Science, and Engineering, will receive the Antonio Champalimaud Vision Award at a ceremony today in Lisbon, Portugal. The ceremony, chaired by the president of Portugal, will recognize Williams' work on adaptive optics technologies as a major breakthrough in the understanding and/or the preservation of vision. Williams is widely regarded as one of the world's leading experts on human vision.

September 11, 2012

Dr. Jong-Hoon Nam Awarded NSF Grant

Jong-Hoon Nam, Ph.D., assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded a three year grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The objective of the project, entitled Multi-Scale Analysis of Mechanotransduction in the Organ of Corti, is to establish a coherent theory of how the organ of Corti (cochlear sensory epithelium) optimizes the force from the outer hair cells in order to magnify tiny vibrations of the basilar membrane.

August 30, 2012

NIH Awards $7.5M, Designates URMC Orthopaedics as Center of Research Translation

The University of Rochester Medical Center was granted a $7.5 million Center of Research Translation (CORT) award for programs designed to find new therapies for arthritis and bone healing. With a rising population of older adults, musculoskeletal diseases are a major economic burden in the United States and in the health-care system, and the award places theURMC in a leadership role for seeking solutions.

August 6, 2012

Professor McAleavey Awarded Patent

McAleavey Patent Professor Stephen McAleavey of the Department of Biomedical Engineering has been awarded a new U.S. Patent. The patent, number 8,225,666, is titledUltrasound Imaging of Tissue Stiffness by Spatially Modulated Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse. The patent details a new ultrasound elastography technique, termed SMURF imaging, that uses acoustic radiation force to quantify tissue stiffness. Tissue stiffness is a known indicator of disease. Thus, this new technology will be useful clinically to noninvasively diagnosis fibrosis, cancerous tumors, vascular diseases, and monitor the progress of ablation therapies. Professor McAleavey is an active member of the Rochester Center for Biomedical Ultrasound (RCBU).

July 25, 2012

Danielle Benoit Receives NSF Research Grant

Danielle Benoit, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, has been chosen for a 3-year, $420,000 National Science Foundation award in support of her project, Developing materials strategies to control siRNA spatial and temporal delivery to engineer multicomponent tissues.

June 21, 2012

Projects by Engineering Students Shown on Video

Each spring, seniors in computer science, optics, biomedical, computer and electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering at the Hajim School present the projects they have worked on all year. Students work in teams to solve a problem brought to them by a customer from outside the University. See below for the video of their projects.

June 15, 2012

Funding Awarded to Senior Design Project

Senior Design Project FundedThe UR Technology Development fund has decided to invest approximately $50,000 toward the development of a product designed by a Senior Design Team in Biomedical Engineering. Benjamin Horowitz, Megan Makarski, William Sipprell, and Robert Handzel (Biomedical Engineering, '09), working with Strong Neonatologists Timothy Stevens, M.D., and Patricia Chess, M.D., designed and prototyped a respiration monitor for use on very low birth weight newborns. With this funding, which was awarded to Scott Seidman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Neurobiology & Anantomy, a second-generation prototype ready for introduction into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit will be constructed and tested, with the clear aim of getting this life-saving technology onto the market.

May 3, 2012

Hajim Design Day Students Featured on WHAM13 News and YNN

Engineering students, Silvia Perucchio (Mechanical Egineering) and Doug Clift (BME) spoke with WHAM 13 News about Hajim Design Day 2012 and the design project they are working on.Hajim Design Day 2012 was held on Thursday, May 3 and showcased engineering students Real-World solutions for the community. YNN also featured Hajim Design Day 2012 as the students got to show off their products during today's Design Day at the school.

April 17, 2012

URMC Leads International Consortium to Fight Deadly Bone Infections

Serious, drug-resistant staph infections are a growing problem in health care in the United States and across the globe. In a coordinated effort to stop these superbugs, investigators from the University of Rochester Medical Center have been selected to lead an ambitious, five-year project, with an emphasis on infections from complex orthopedic surgeries such as joint replacement, fracture repair, or trauma.

April 11, 2012

Autism Research Being Funded Through Novel Platform

Stephen McAleavey, Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Daniel Mruzek, Assistant Professor of the Department of Behavioral Pediatrics have recently submitted an Autism project for sponsorship on a new platform called Innovocracy. The University of Rochester recently signed up as an Innovocracy Launch Partner and the Autism project has already raised 172% of its funding goal from individual donors within the first few days. The Innovocracy platform allows the aggregation of small donations to help propel innovative research in the support of proof-of-concept projects. Supporters include everyone from alumni, friends and family to the general public interested in autism research. This collaboration was initiated through an undergraduate Senior Design project, and subsequently received CTSI pilot funds for further development and early clinical evaluation.

April 2, 2012

Benoit Lab To Host 3rd Annual Alex's Lemonade Stand Fundraiser in June

Lemonade StandDanielle Benoit, Ph.D. and her Therapeutic Biomaterials Lab, will once again give back by hosting their 3rd annual Alex's Lemonade Stand fundraiser forALSF at the Rochester Public Market and the Brighton Farmers' Market June 9-10. Last year's fundraiser for cancer was a rousing success as the lab raised over $2000, and Dr. Benoit hopes to raise even more this year. The lab continues to urge friends, family, and colleagues to contribute in person and online to help support ALSF.

March 14, 2012

Taking another Shot at RAGE to Tame Alzheimer's

RAGEResearchers have taken another crack at a promising approach to stopping Alzheimer's disease that encountered a major hurdle last year. In research published this week in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, scientists have developed a compound that targets a molecular actor known asRAGE, which plays a central role in mucking up the brain tissue of people with the disease.