Professor Amy Lerner among winners of 2018 Presidential Diversity Award
March 5, 2019
As co-chair of the CWGEA, Amy helped to lead the commission, which is comprised of students, faculty and trainee volunteers, in evaluating campus policies and procedures. Utilizing a combination of scientific literature review and community input, CWGEA released their preliminary report with recommendations in May 2018. They continue to research, listen, and advocate for diversity and inclusion throughout the University community. When accepting the award, Professor Lerner said, “This award is a tremendous honor for us and is really rewarding to validate the very hard work that we have done so far. Perhaps just as important, I think it also goes a long way to validate the importance of the goals we are trying to achieve – real equity for all members of the University community. There are many wheels still turning to address some of the concerns we raised and we are grateful to see that many of our recommendations are being implemented. Thank you very much for the honor.”