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Posts categorized Optical Engineering Senior Design

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Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:31 am


Team Members Customer Daniel Brooks – Optimax Systems, Inc. Mentor Dr. Aaron Bauer – Institute of Optics Abstract The goal of this design project was to build an alignment tool…

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:31 am

Plano Cylinder Lens Metrology System

CYL Team Customer Points of Contact: Chris Toomey, Clayton Summers, Dan Denison, and Scott Rudder Faculty Advisors Abstract There is a growing demand for non-spherical optics in industry. The manufacturing…

topics: Optics,
Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:31 am


Team Members Mentors and Faculty Advisors Abstract The CLEAR Digiteyez Optimization project is an exploratory Senior Design project to implement and improve various optimization routines already existing in the CLEAR…

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:30 am

Advanced Growing Resources

This group is designing a broadband anti-reflection coating and an imaging multivariate optical element coating to eliminate the need for software-based image analysis for AGR’s handheld camera system.

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:30 am

ASML Metawave: Wavefront Control via Tunable Metasurface

Team Members Customer Ali Basiri & Luke Potter Faculty Advisor Michele Cotrufo Abstract The envisioned product is a cutting-edge optical correction system leveraging actively tunable metasurfaces. Designed specifically for the…

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:30 am

Microscope Objective for Lithography Wafer Alignment

Team Members Customer Kirill Sobolev, ASML 1 Abstract The purpose of our project is to design an objective lens for the ORION wafer alignment system in ASML’s next-generation lithography machines.…

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 3, 2024 | 09:30 am

ASML NANO: Sub-nm Vibration Sensor

Abstract The aim of this project is to explore designs for a vibrometer for semiconductor wafer measuring machines. These wafers power all of our modern computers and cellphones, and are…

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 2, 2024 | 04:30 pm


The 3D printing project aims to design, create, and test a polymer printed part that houses a f/5.6, eight element system. After the system was completed, repeatability measurements were done along with testing our procedure on the similar f/8 system.

Optical Engineering Senior Design
May 2, 2024 | 11:13 am

IRL Glasses – Take a Break

Abstract On average, Americans spend 11 hours a day looking at a screen and touch their phones over 2,000 times a day. The goal for the IRL Glasses for this…