Team Members
Ashley Sok
Fresia Nova
Michael Audet
Colin Neeson
Christopher Muir, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, UR
Pittsford Community Library Director Amanda Madigan & Children’s Librarian Jeanne Steinbrenner
Project Description
Aside from reading, one of the ways that children learn best is through play and interaction. This cannot be done, however, if there is limited access to these devices and systems. The Pittsford Community Library’s specific case had initially reflected this problem. They were interested in increasing the number of interactive elements available in their children play space, but did not have such systems readily at hand. Therefore building an interactive ball maze and filling that gap will allow for the children to engage with new, fun, and educational elements, while further stimulating their minds and sense of imagination. This will then also bring benefits to the general community in helping to positively improve everyone’s experiences while visiting the library.
Progress Summary

Interactive 3D CAD Model Representation
Progress Video
The team would first like to recognize and acknowledge the sponsors for this project, Amanda Madigan and Jeanne Steinbrenner from the Pittsford Community Library, for their time in meeting and discussing with the team over the course of the project development. The team would also like to thank Professor Christopher Muir, Mike Pomerantz, Chris Pratt, Jim Alkins, Molly Over, and Derick White, for their guidance with the general project process, feedback during Manufacture Readiness Review, and assistance during physical manufacture and assembly.