Project Description
The water crisis in Uganda is hitting new highs every year. This problem is extremely important because it involves public health and welfare. The previous pump design has some flaws, which include the gaskets inside wearing off very frequently. Every time the water pump stops working no water is generated, which means people cannot access water. This increases costs as repairing that pump requires both financial resources and time. The main goal of this project is to improve the current design and develop an efficient, long-lasting pump that can supply water to people in need generously. To achieve this goal, an accelerated life testing machine is made to analyze newly developed gaskets. These gaskets will then be used in the field to increase pump efficiency and uptime. This will help the team in reducing overall production cost and hopefully put a pause to water insecurity.
Presentation Video

Demo video
CAD Assembly
The team would like to thank University of Rochester’s Mechanical Engineering Department, especially Professor Muir, the Teaching Assistants, John Miller, and Chris Pratt for this assistance, help and guidance throughout this semester.